July 13, 2022

TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink net report 070922

Ham Radio
Net Reports

TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink Conference Net Report for July 9, 2022 Net Control Station operator W9WMJ conducted the monthly K9TAL net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node on Saturday, July 9, 2022. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1259 ET [1630Z]. Four check-ins participated in today’s operations, including the Net Control Station. Contact with the following radio operators was logged: W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180 [TALARC K9TAL] N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 564 W9MNA, Mike; Greenfield, IN; Post 510 [TALARC K9TAL]

TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink Conference Net Report for July 9, 2022

Net Control Station operator W9WMJ conducted the monthly K9TAL net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node on Saturday, July 9, 2022. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1259 ET [1630Z]. Four check-ins participated in today’s operations, including the Net Control Station.

Contact with the following radio operators was logged:
W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180 [TALARC K9TAL]
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 564
W9MNA, Mike; Greenfield, IN; Post 510 [TALARC K9TAL]
NZ9S, Bill; Sheridan, IN; NC Post 47 [TALARC K9TAL]

Announcements were read that included:
1) N3TAL Special Event on July 12, to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the Peace Cross at Bladensburg, Md.
2) Mississippi TALARC club’s weekly 80 meter net is now QRT. Don, WV5Q, club president, cited declining participation. With due consideration given by the members of the K5TAL club it was decided to end the 326-net run effective with their June 29 operations.
3) Notification was made of several American Legion coming events at the national level. Those events include Boys Nation, Baseball regional tournaments, Baseball World Series, Legacy Run and 103rd National Convention.

The TALARC/K9TAL EchoLink Conference Net for July closed at 1230 ET [1630Z].

Submitted by Marty W9WMJ

  • Ham Radio