June 27, 2022

KN4YQL net report 062322

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Our two-hour radio communications today received 21 contacts. Three were made on HF, with 18 by the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, N.C. We’ve logged one new contact on 3.915 LSB 75/80M. One contact by N2GE-R is questionable. He contacted us as being in Sparta, N.C., and his QRZ listing has him in Beaver, Ore. So I sent him an email for his conformation. Our friend Stephen (Trap) A. Brown WB4SAB in Shelby, N.C., is on vacation in Vietnam! He made contact with us from Vietnam as XV9SB with EchoLink KW4EMF by N2GE-R.

Our two-hour radio communications today received 21 contacts. Three were made on HF, with 18 by the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, N.C.
We’ve logged one new contact on 3.915 LSB 75/80M.
One contact by N2GE-R is questionable. He contacted us as being in Sparta, N.C., and his QRZ listing has him in Beaver, Ore. So I sent him an email for his conformation.
Our friend Stephen (Trap) A. Brown WB4SAB in Shelby, N.C., is on vacation in Vietnam! He made contact with us from Vietnam as XV9SB with EchoLink KW4EMF by N2GE-R.
Bill C. Szkromiuk W4WCS visited our post one day from Aiken, S.C. (It looks like he’s from Post 26 there). I made contact with their post on Facebook, sending them our apologies for missing his visit.
In the past, I failed to tell about the QSL cards we receive from some of the contacts we make. Donald D. Caldwell NG4D sent us his QSL card from Mount Mourne, N.C.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT / Tommy Becker K4OBY / Art Paterson KE4EAN

  • Ham Radio