March 25, 2022

KN4YQL radio net report 032422

Ham Radio
Net Reports

We had a few contacts today. We logged 20 of them. Two were received on SSB (one at 9.272M and one at 3.915M). That leaves us with 18 received by the N2GE repeater. Among these, we logged two new contacts. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT, Tommy Becker K4OBY, Art Paterson KE4EAN

We had a few contacts today. We logged 20 of them. Two were received on SSB (one at 9.272M and one at 3.915M). That leaves us with 18 received by the N2GE repeater. Among these, we logged two new contacts.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT, Tommy Becker K4OBY, Art Paterson KE4EAN

  • Ham Radio