March 14, 2022

Washington state post donates radio equipment

By American Legion Post 106
Ham Radio
Washington state post donates radio equipment
Joe Wright receives a new repeater system from Post 106 Commander Bubba Bolin and Adjutant Clint Wood. (Photo via Joe Wright)

Repeater system will be used for communication for local hospital.

American Legion Post 106 in Forks, Wash., donated a new repeater system to the Clallam County Amateur Radio Club, which co-owns and operates equipment with Forks Community Hospital on Gunderson Mountain. During the post’s February meeting, the need for this piece of equipment was brought up and unanimously voted upon. It is quite expensive and necessary for long-distance communication.

Joe Wright is not only a member and officer of Post 106, but he is also vice president of the Clallam County club, which shares use of their equipment with ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service). Wright and radio operators from ARES are also members of the Clallam County West End Emergency Management group. Members who are involved in emergency management are not often noticed as they participate in meetings and special exercises in preparation to be of assistance in the event of disasters.

In short, this is a very important piece of equipment now located on Gunderson Mountain and hosted by Forks Community Hospital. The location of this site and the people it serves is vital, and we are thankful for the chance to operate from there with other emergency management assets. The Clallam County Amateur Radio Club thanks the veterans of Post 106 for their generosity and support.


  • Ham Radio