Net Start: 10 am local time Net End: 11.30am Band conditions: S4 to S9 signals Operating frequency: 7.275mhz LSB Net Control: WA3DVO Check-ins: Seven stations did respond to my CQ, even though I did indicate that this was the American Legion Radio Club net and had been on this frequency for the last hour or so. Once again, this was Contest weekend. Four states had their events and POTA stations were looking for contacts. We did have one American Legion post from NC check in. We are still looking at the 20-meter frequency 14.275mhz starting in 2023.
Net Start: 10 am local time
Net End: 11.30am
Band conditions: S4 to S9 signals
Operating frequency: 7.275mhz LSB
Net Control: WA3DVO
Check-ins: Seven stations did respond to my CQ, even though I did indicate that this was the American Legion Radio Club net and had been on this frequency for the last hour or so.
Once again, this was Contest weekend. Four states had their events and POTA stations were looking for contacts. We did have one American Legion post from NC check in.
We are still looking at the 20-meter frequency 14.275mhz starting in 2023.
The Post 275 ART will participate in the Boy Scout JOTA-JOTI event Oct. 14-16.
Have a safe week.
- Ham Radio