September 13, 2022

TALARC HF 40 meter net report 091022

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Net Start: 1400gmt (10 am edst) Net End: 1530gmt Freq: 7.275 Mhz Band Conditions: Satisfactory Net Control: WA3DVO Check-Ins: 23 This has been one of our better net participations on the 40 meter band. The frequency was rather quiet, with little QSB or QRM. Stations were from NH to FL ... with very strong signals. Four members were PUFL members, 12 members were part of TALARC. It was noted that several stations called in to get a signal report and asked if a special QSL card was to be issued for the contact (this was not a special event, but the monthly 40 meter net).

Net Start: 1400gmt (10 am edst)
Net End: 1530gmt
Freq: 7.275 Mhz
Band Conditions: Satisfactory
Net Control: WA3DVO
Check-Ins: 23

This has been one of our better net participations on the 40 meter band. The frequency was rather quiet, with little QSB or QRM. Stations were from NH to FL ... with very strong signals. Four members were PUFL members, 12 members were part of TALARC. It was noted that several stations called in to get a signal report and asked if a special QSL card was to be issued for the contact (this was not a special event, but the monthly 40 meter net).
The operations of N3TAL were not held at Post 275, but from the QTH of WA3DVO. The call sign given during the net was N3TAL/WA3DVO. Different types of antennas were used, Hy-Gain Hy-tower and four square 40 meters array; this way I was able to avoid QRM. All went well, we will be using the 7.275.Mhz frequency in October 2022, and possible experiment on the 20 meter band using 14.275 Mhz. Notice will be passed on before such operations.

Take care, be SAFE.


  • Ham Radio