May 24, 2017

New Jersey homeless veterans get help

By The American Legion
Homeless Veterans
New Jersey homeless veterans get help
Volunteers distribute clothing at the May 17 Stand Down event to help homeless veterans in Atlantic City, N.J. Photo provided.

Legion family, others, aid homeless veterans at Atlantic City event.

An event to help homeless veterans in Atlantic City, N.J., drew 130 veterans plus family members.

The May 17 Stand Down event at Atlantic City’s All Wars Memorial Building offered an array of free services and assistance to the city’s homeless veterans, including VA benefits; medical, mental health and addiction counseling; welfare benefits; legal services; housing; employment; haircuts; and clothing provisions.

Jim Scanlon, vice chairman of the Department of New Jersey’s employment and education committee, presented the Stand Down idea last September. A survey of other veterans service organizations and regional service providers drew a resounding positive response, according to Bob Looby, the department’s employment and education chairman.

In addition to the Legion family, 38 other organizations participated with their services, and 92 volunteers were on hand to help.

Looby said that service officers at the event met with 30 veterans, 12 of whom filed claims with another five starting the application process. Also, 16 women veterans with four children visited the separate women’s area for clothing, products, games, toys, backpacks and services.

Approximately $4,900 was donated for the purchase of civilian clothing, gifts cards and other products.

Steering committee organizations and their responsibilities included:

• The Legion’s Employment & Education Committee – Project management; security both Atlantic City's police department and the National Guard; finance officer; quartermaster; and volunteers.

• The American Red Cross – Registration and hygiene kits.

• Department of New Jersey and VFW – Breakfast.

• Resorts Casino – Lunch, managed by Vice Chairman Jim Scanlon.

• The American Legion Auxiliary – Women veterans and signage.

• Catholic Charities – Civilian clothing.

• Department of New Jersey and DAV – Service officers.

• VA – Medical team and military clothing ordering.

• DMAVA – Medical team and National Guard.

An after action review is being prepared in the interest of continual improvement for next year’s event.

  • Homeless Veterans