Events in Pleasantville and Atlantic City will provide resources to help homeless and at-risk veterans.
The American Legion Department of New Jersey will host two mobile stand downs for homeless and at-risk veterans in October.
“When we realized we could not have the traditional Atlantic City regional in-house event because of COVID, we designed, planned and now will implement the first two of at least six mobile events for this year,” with more weather-permitting, said Bob Looby, the employment and education chairman for the Department of New Jersey.
The first mobile stand down will take place at Max Manning Complex, 1100 Lincoln Ave., Pleasantville, N.J., from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 9. A second stand down is scheduled to take place at St. Michael’s parking lot, 9 N. Georgia Ave., Atlantic City, N.J., from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 28.
The stand downs will include a VA mobile clinic, Vet Center vans, Legion trailers with clothing and other resources, Red Cross, Catholic Charities and others. Services provided at the stand downs include VA medical, mental health, benefits, claims, housing, employment, clothing, and other services.
- Homeless Veterans