December 08, 2016

Early entries to World War I memorial competition encouraged

By The American Legion
Honor & Remembrance
Early entries to World War I memorial competition encouraged
Early entries to World War I memorial competition encouraged

U.S. World War One Centennial Commission, Pritzker Military Museum & Library can help with promotion from time of submission to 100 Cities/100 Memorials competition.

The entry deadline to the 100 Cities/100 Memorials fund-matching competition for restoring local World War I memorials is not until June 15, 2017, but those interested are encouraged to get an entry in as soon as possible. Resources from the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission and the Pritzker Military Museum & Library, which are conducting the competition, are available to help publicize the project even if the application is not finalized; according to the 100 Cities/100 Memorials blog, “on request, we can set it up so that you can edit and update your submission documents and information up to the submission closing date.”

Two American Legion-related projects are already reaping these benefits. Department of Utah National Executive Committeeman Terry Schow helped bring together a team from Ogden, Utah, that includes Legion Post 9, local DAR and Kiwanis chapters and more to restore a doughboy statue in the city cemetery; learn more about their project here. And Post 42 of Ocean Springs, Miss., led by Richard Eckert, is the subject of a profile on their Pershing Square project; see a video here. These profiles will be done for all entries to the competition.

The American Legion is a supporting organization of the competition; learn more about parameters and timelines at

  • Honor & Remembrance