June 15 is deadline for submissions.
The final deadline for entries to the 100 Cities/100 Memorials fund-matching program is June 15.
The U.S. World War I Centennial Commission and the Pritzker Military Museum and Library announced the program in 2016, which seeks to help people across the country restore and preserve local World War I memorials. It was adopted by The American Legion by Resolution 19, passed in May 2016 by the National Executive Committee.
Projects eligible for consideration stretch from anything finished after Jan. 1, 2014, through anything scheduled to be finished by Nov. 11, 2018. All submissions will receive national exposure via the commission's website, and tools to help project participants publicize their efforts in their own communities.
A number of Legion-led projects are included among the submissions; for example, Department of Utah National Executive Committeeman Terry Schow helped bring together a team from Ogden, Utah, that includes Legion Post 9, local DAR and Kiwanis chapters and more to restore a doughboy statue in the city cemetery.
Learn more about 100 Cities/100 Memorials and its timelines at www.worldwar1centennial.org/100-cities-100-memorials-home.
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