National war centennial commission would like to know about WWI namesakes.
The U.S. World War One Centennial Commission (WW1CC) is seeking information about American Legion posts named in honor of a local or national World War I veteran, along with stories of his or her service, photographs and/or other historical information. WW1CC will endeavor to honor these posts by publicizing this information on its website and in its electronic Dispatch newsletter. Please note: any information received will be maintained by the commission and will become part of the U.S. government's historical records/archives upon the expiry of its mandate. The point of contact is David W. Hamon, VSO/military director for the commission, at david.hamon@worldwar1centennial.org or (540) 379-8584.
WW1CC has also created a special landing page for veterans, history lovers, family members, friends and community members. At ww1cc.org/veterans, visitors will find "tiles," easy to access and read, in order to educate, commemorate and honor the Great War, as per the commission's congressional mandate and charter.
The American Legion is a Commemorative Partner of the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission.
- Honor & Remembrance