May 30, 2019

Free WWI genealogy PDF guide offered

Honor & Remembrance
Free WWI genealogy PDF guide offered
Free WWI genealogy PDF guide offered

WWICC-provided WWI Genealogy Research Guide helps trace American military and noncombatant ancestors.

During its Fleet Week activities in New York City last week, the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission (WWICC) highlighted a new genealogical tool that has a limited-time offer attached.

The WWI Genealogy Research Guide helps trace American military and noncombatant ancestors. It is provided courtesy of WWICC and the Doughboy Foundation. It is authored by Debra M. Dudek, with a foreword by Col. Gerald York, grandson of Medal of Honor recipient Alvin York. As well as over 100 pages of information and guidance, it features over 250 links to resources on the Web.

The guide is available in PDF form free of charge to the first 5,000 people who download it at After the download limit has been reached, it can be purchased in book form online or wherever books are sold. Contact David W. Hamon, VSO/military director for the commission, at for more information.

  • Honor & Remembrance