July 28, 2021

The book of Post Everlasting 

By Gerald R. McClain
Honor & Remembrance
The book of Post Everlasting 
The book of Post Everlasting 

Oklahoma post historian creates permanent record to remember deceased members.

Being historian for American Legion Post 129 in Stillwater, Okla., I create each year a Post 129 Yearbook and publish it for the post. In the yearbook I have obituaries of members, including military information members want to share. Obituaries sometimes say a member has died and served in Korea for four years. As a post historian, I know more about his military history than his family may. Once the post yearbook is published, it is placed in the post library to be looked at by members and visitors. I felt we needed a book for Post Everlasting, including the obituaries and military history of members, that could be available for members to look through. I created a Post Everlasting book using a simple 1’ 1/2" thick white book with a plastic covering into which I could slip a sheet telling the purpose of the book. 

"Post Everlasting Resolution Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, the Great Commander, to summon to the immortal legions our beloved comrades listed in this Post Everlasting Book, and

Whereas, We humbly bow to the will of Divine Providence, while ever cherishing in our hearts the memory of distinguished service to our country and outstanding contributions to American Legion comradeship; now, therefore, be

Resolved, That Hanner-Sharp Post 129 Stillwater, The American Legion does mourn the passing of our comrades listed in this Post Everlasting Book, That we commend to all the works, and to God the spirit; and be it further Resolved, That in token of our common grief, comrades listed in this Post Everlasting Book, The American Legion, expresses our grief to the next of kin.

Signed Commander, Adjutant, and Historian”

The latest year is on top and not the bottom, making it easier to add members. I include a picture of the member along with his obituary, length of time in the Legion and the military history he has agreed to share. 

As members see what the Post Everlasting book is doing, members will realize we shall never forget them.

[See more examples from the Post Everlasting book on Legiontown.]

  • Honor & Remembrance