American Legion Family members encouraged to let National Headquarters know in advance how they observe this year’s holiday.
From Legionnaires taking part in a ceremony at the birthplace of Memorial Day, to events in Washington, D.C., and a big welcome-home to veterans in Florida, it was once again a busy Memorial Day Weekend for American Legion Family members in 2022.
Across the nation, Legion Family members led Memorial Day observances, including traditional ceremonies at the posts, visits to area cemeteries to honor the veterans buried there, conducting parades and staging motorcycle rides.
As American Legion Family members plan for Memorial Day 2023, please keep us in mind. Let us know how you are planning on observing this sacred holiday. Email sbrooks@legion.org with details about your plans. We may feature your efforts in our national media channels.
Also, American Legion posts are encouraged to upload recaps and photos of their Memorial Day celebrations and other community activities to Legiontown.org.
And a reminder that an American Legion Memorial Day speech for 2023 is available for American Legion departments, districts and posts to use for Memorial Day events.
The speech is available here and is not meant to be recited verbatim; members are greatly encouraged to amend it to taste and audience.
- Honor & Remembrance