Exchange of U.S. and Canadian flags in Sherwood, N.D., among the ways the Legion Family commemorated Memorial Day across the nation.
Since 1937, North Dakota Legionnaires and Royal Canadian Legion members have exchanged their nation’s flags on Memorial Day at the International Boundary in Sherwood, N.D. Not even the pandemic in 2020 brought a halt to the ceremony, and if the most recent exchange is any indication, interest in it isn’t waning.
On May 27, around 300 people – Legion Family members, Royal Canadian members and those in and around the community – witnessed the exchanging of the flags.
Allan Magnuson, a member of Bothun-Peterson Post 213 in Sherwood and North Dakota’s West Region vice commander, watched the ceremony as a boy with his father and then became involved with it as a Legionnaire when he moved back to Sherwood in 2014. He’s not surprised the ceremony is as popular as ever.
“We promote it all the time, and it’s a very big tradition,” Magnuson said. “We had like 300 to 350 people attend it Monday. The community plays a big part in this.”
The day’s event also included a ceremony at the former Sherwood School gymnasium and the honoring of two firefighters killed during an oil fire in Sherwood in 1991. Groups then loaded up on buses to head to Sherwood Union Cemetery, where a Legionnaire and Royal Canadian Legion member placed wreaths on the cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
In addition to state Legionnaires, American Legion National Vice Commander Raymond Vail also attended this year’s event, serving as the guest speaker.
For Magnuson, watching the exchange of the flags never gets old. “I most definitely still get that same rush,” he said.
Watch video of this year’s ceremony here.
The following is a small sample of what Legion Family members did across the nation to commemorate Memorial Day. Please remember to upload your Memorial Day stories and photos on Legiontown.org.
In Cabot, Criswell Robinson Post 71 hosted a Memorial Day ceremony, while Auxiliary Unit 71 handed out poppies.
In Lakewood, American Legion Post 496 Commander Jim Stewart served as emcee for the Memorial Day service at Lakewood Veterans Memorial Plaza. The posting of the colors was conducted by Lakewood High School Navy JROTC. The placing of the POW/MIA flag was done by Hank Horvath, sergeant-at-arms at Post 496.
View photos of the event here.
In Alamosa, American Legion Post 113 presided over the Memorial Day ceremony at Alamosa Cemetery.
On Memorial Day, members of Cross Bayou Post 252’s Legion Family visited the Bay Pines Community Living Center to have an ice cream social and play games with its residents.
In Tucker, members of American Legion Post 207 still are rebuilding their post after it was destroyed by a fire in 2019. But that didn’t stop the post from hosting its annual Memorial Day Barbecue.
“Our goal is for veteran suicide prevention, but what we’re doing today is obviously in honor of Memorial Day,” Post Commander Scott Brady said. “We want to get people out here to know that we want to be a post again, but we need their support.”
Department Commander Doug Huffman presented the Idaho American Legion wreath during the Memorial Day ceremony at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery.
· In Evanston, more than 200 people attended the Memorial Day event conducted by Evanston American Legion Post 42 and Tech. Sgt. William B. Snell VFW Post 7186. The ceremony included the longstanding traditions of reading the Honor Roll of Recently Deceased Veterans and laying wreaths by veterans groups and auxiliaries.
· In Centralia, American Legion Post 446 hosted a Memorial Day service that was originally planned to be held at the Hillcrest Cemetery but was moved to the post because of rain. Post 446’s Legion Family took part in the event, as did Cub Scout Packs 260 and 446, and Scouts Troop 260.
The Indianola American Legion Post 165 hosted the annual Memorial Day Parade Monday, which featured local marching bands, political candidates, volunteer organizations and classic cars. A short ceremony followed the parade at the IOOF Cemetery near the Junior Edwards Medal of Honor statue, which included the raising of the colors, 21-gun salute and the playing of taps.
· Kansas National Executive Committeeman Dan Wiley, the leading candidate for 2024-2025 national commander, emceed the 138th Annual Leavenworth National Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony.
· In Hutchinson, Lysle Rishel Post 68 put up flags at Fairlawn and Eastside cemeteries and also hosted a Memorial Day program at the South Hutch Veterans Vall and another at Eastside Cemetery. To close out the event, American Legion member Bruce Bell honored those fallen in previous wars as members hung wreaths from several cross-shaped memorials in honor of those who had fallen.
Department Commander Sandra Davis and other department Legion Family leadership attended the Massachusetts National Cemetery- Bourne Memorial Day Ceremony, representing the Legion Family during a wreath-laying ceremony. Bourne American Legion Post 230 and Sandwich American Legion Post 188 fired volleys before the playing of taps.
· In Charlevoix County, Boyne City American Legion Post 228 conducted nine services, despite constant rain throughout the day. Post 228 Legionnaire Ron Crozier said the post never thought about cancelling the day, considered who the observations honored. "All these guys fought in the rain and snow. Whatever weather there was, they fought. It didn't stop, so this shouldn't stop either," Crozier said.
· In Manistee, Benzie and Wexford counties, Copemish American Legion Post No. 531 visited dozens of locations, including a flag-raising at the post, followed by 11 ceremonies throughout the area.
In Cook County, American Legion Post 413 hosted its annual ceremony at the courthouse for area veterans and the community. Post 413 Commander Bob Mattson noted the significance of the date chosen by the founders of Memorial Day. They decided at the end of May, said Mattson, to ensure that flowers were blooming everywhere in the United States so that everyone had the opportunity to decorate the graves of their loved ones.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 413 then placed a wreath at the Veterans Memorial.
In Havre, American Legion Riders Chapter 11 held a Memorial Day service on the west side of the Hill County courthouse.
Chapter 11 Director Bob Brewer said Memorial Day is very personal to him. “During Operation Desert Storm our unit lost one member to the war in that,” Brewer said. “So yeah, it’s very personal when I think of that person.”
New Jersey
In Bridgewater, American Legion Post 327 held its annual Memorial Day parade; the parade included fire trucks, Girl Scout Troops and the high school marching band. The parade was followed by a ceremony at Ardmaer Park as local groups placed wreaths to honor those lost.
North Carolina
In Edenton, more than 50 people ignored the rain to attend a Memorial Day service sponsored by American Legion Post 40 at Edenton’s Veterans Memorial.
The program included the playing of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech delivered after the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and a selection of popular patriotic music.
Post 40 Commander Bob Olivera served as master of ceremonies and noted, “Memorial Day is more than a long weekend or the unofficial start of summer. It is a solemn reminder of the bravery, dedication, and selflessness exhibited by our fallen heroes.
“These courageous men and women were parents, children, spouses, partners, siblings, friends, and buddies. Each one had dreams, hopes, and loved ones. As we remember them, let us also acknowledge the families who bear the loss of their loved ones.”
Wreaths also were placed at each of the Veteran’s Memorial’s five service stones honoring the five different branches of the U.S. military.
In Wintersville, American Legion Post 557 hosted a service at Fort Steuben Burial Estates that included the placing of wreaths to honor fallen veterans and their families.
In McMinnville, members of American Legion Post 21’s Legion Family visited several cemeteries in the area to honor veterans buried there and also teamed with the McMinnville Christian Academy to plant thousands of flags representing each fallen Oregonian.
· In Milton, American Legion and Auxiliary Unit 71 hosted an “In Memorial of Our Heroes” ceremony at the Milton Cemetery. The ceremony included a wreath-laying, music and guest speakers. Rain threatened but never showed up. “Mother Nature and God both were looking out for us,” said Post 71 Commander Denise Ulmer.
· In Towanda, American Legion Post 42’s dining room was packed for its Memorial Day ceremony, which included short history of the observance, live music, poetry and speakers.
· In Mandata, rain moved Alvin E. Long Post 504’s ceremony to under a pavilion, but it still included music, guest speakers, and the presentation of a $1,000 scholarship to the post’s Memorial Day essay winner. Prior to the ceremony, Post 504 placed 780 flags were placed on veterans’ gravesites across 16 local cemeteries.
· In Langhorne Borough, Jesse Soby American Legion Post 148 started the morning with a ceremony and followed with its 105th Memorial Day parade that featured emergency responders, military veterans, musicians and community groups. The post also set up a replica of Flanders Field.
Puerto Rico
In Isabela, American Legion Post 68 joined the town’s mayor and Scouting Troops 14 and 459 in conducting three Memorial Day ceremonies. The first ceremony started with the lowering of the flags in the veteran monument plaza, and followed with a ceremony that featured the roll call of names of the fallen. The contingent then broke out into groups to honor the veterans buried in four local cemeteries.
Rhode Island
In Riverside, American Legion Post 10 conducted a community Memorial Day parade and also placed flags on veterans’ gravesites at the Gates of Heaven and Little Neck cemeteries.
South Carolina
In North Augusta, hundreds gathered at American Legion Post 71 for its annual ceremony. The event included a ceremonial wreath laying, an armed exhibition by the drill team from North Augusta High School's NROTC, and the playing of taps to honor the fallen. Servicemembers who passed away during the past year were also honored.
· In Lovettsville, American Legion Past National Commander Brett Reistad served as the keynote speaker for the Memorial Day ceremony, which was a community effort that included support from American Legion Post 1836 and Auxiliary Unit 1836 in Lovettsville.
· In the Town of Vienna, the town and Vienna Post 180 teamed up for a weekend-long Memorial Day commemoration that included passing out around 600 poppies during Viva Vienna and then conducting a ceremony that included Virginia Lt. Governor Wimsone Earle-Sears as a guest of honor.
· In Remington, Harold J. Davis American Legion Post 247 and the Town of Remington hosted a public Memorial Day observance and veterans monument dedication at Remington Town Hall. The monument honors all veterans.
· In Wapato, American Legion Post 133 organized a commemoration that honored the hundreds of veterans buried in the Wapato Reservation Cemetery. Dozens of families and veterans attended the ceremony. Multiple organizations, including Post 133 and its Auxiliary unit and the Sons of The American Legion squadron, placed over 600 flags and crosses in the cemetery a few days before Memorial Day.
· In Bainbridge Island, American Legion Post 172 Memorial Day services took place at the Bainbridge High School Memorial and at Bud Hawk Memorial Park.
- Honor & Remembrance