Commander pleased with new incentives to help those who served in uniform find employment as civilians.
President Obama signed the VOWS to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 into law on Nov. 21, which will help many of America’s unemployed veterans get back into the civilian work force.
Provisions of the new law, including tax credits for businesses that hire veterans, are backed by The American Legion, which has been urging Congress and the White House to take action in helping the country’s jobless veterans.
“Last September, we asked Congress to create incentives to promote the hiring of veterans, and they have done exactly that,” American Legion National Commander Fang A. Wong said. “Tax credits for businesses, along with other specific programs, will go far in placing more and more of our veterans into the private sector.
“We were also impressed by the provision that makes transitional assistance mandatory for every man and woman who chooses to leave the military. This will make them even more prepared as job-seeking civilians.”
During his Sept. 21 testimony on Capitol Hill, Wong said “The American Legion hopes you will collaborate and bring your parties together to get a jobs bill for America’s veterans passed.”
Wong also testified about the critical need for civilian employers to recognize the value of military professions. “Civilian licensing agencies must recognize military training, education and experience when a veteran transitions to the civilian work force.
“It is our obligation as a nation to ensure that every single member of the military who chooses to leave … can effectively transfer his or her education, training and experience into a civilian career field.”
- Legislative