Legion Family members can sign up for the Legislative Action E-List and help protect veterans benefits.
Legislative advocacy is one of The American Legion’s most powerful weapons in its fight to protect and enhance benefits for veterans and military families.
If you’re a member of the Legion Family, you can add your voice to the Legion’s ongoing advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill by signing up for the Legion’s Legislative Action E-List. Registration is simple and can be found here.
Now is an especially important time to become part of the Legion’s legislative action team, because Congress will soon consider the White House’s proposed budget for Fiscal 2013. The proposal includes TRICARE increases that would triple the fees for working-age retirees over the next few years and establish a new enrollment fee for Medicare retirees. The budget plan would also triple pharmacy co-pays over the next five years.
As proposed, the TRICARE changes would phase in significant fee hikes for nearly every segment of the military population: drilling National Guard and Reserve members, those serving on active duty, and military retirees of all ages.
Legionnaires can use the Action E-List to advise their congressional delegations of the organization’s opposition to TRICARE increases.
“The power of The American Legion Family is multiplied when our members can speak in a unified voice,” said Tim Tetz, the Legion’s Legislative Division director. “All told, we have some 4 million members. Through our Legislative Action Center, they can engage Congress with one voice and one message. Getting on our Legislative Action E-List makes any voice in the Legion Family more powerful. And it is our voice being heard on Capitol Hill that helps to pass bills we support, stop the bills we oppose, and influences Congress on the priorities it sets on issues that affect veterans and military families.”
- Legislative