April 21, 2021

American Legion weighs in on pending veterans' legislation

By The American Legion
American Legion weighs in on pending veterans’ legislation
American Legion weighs in on pending veterans’ legislation

The American Legion submitted a statement for the record to explain the position of the nearly 2-million-member strong organization.

The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hold a hearing on April 21 at 10 a.m. on pending legislation impacting the nation’s veterans.

The American Legion submitted a statement for the record to present the positions of the organization on topics including the VA Employee Fairness Act of 2021 and the Improving VA Accountability to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Act of 2021. 

The American Legion supports through resolution efforts to ensure reporting, tracking, and actions taken upon incidents of sexual assaults at each Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facility.

The hearing will also include discussion on the VA Quality Health Care Accountability and Transparency Act, which would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make certain information publicly available on one VA website in order to simplify the way veterans seek information and manage their VA benefits.

Other hearing topics include expanding coronavirus pandemic funding and strengthening VA whistleblower protection.

The hearing will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook

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