February 08, 2024

Support our Afghan allies, Legion tells Congress

By The American Legion
Support our Afghan allies, Legion tells Congress
Support our Afghan allies, Legion tells Congress

American Legion among VSOs who pressed senators to create a path to permanent legal residency for up to 15,000 Afghan allies.

The American Legion joined other veterans service organizations and U.S. senators on Feb. 8 in calling for Congress to provide support and assistance for our wartime Afghan allies.

Specifically, the Legion is asking for Congress to establish a path to permanent legal residency for 15,000 Afghan allies who supported American troops during the war in Afghanistan. Earlier this week, the Legion co-signed a letter calling for the Senate to approve such a measure as part of the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024.

The bipartisan legislation is supported by, among others, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., who all spoke at the press conference.

During the press conference, American Legion National Security Commission Chairman Matthew Shuman said, “The American Legion stands firmly, shoulder to shoulder with Sen. Klobuchar, Sen. Moran, Sen. Coons and Sen. Blumenthal, calling on their congressional colleagues to pass legislation that would right a wrong, and bring our Afghan allies to the United States today.”

When the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban immediately regained power. The lives of interpreters and other U.S. allies left behind are at risk under the Taliban control.

“Our Afghan allies have stood alongside America’s servicemembers, protected the stars and stripes and have more than earned their right to call America home, seek citizenship and fly the American flag from the front porch of their own home in this beautiful nation,” Shuman said. “Let me state clearly, and for all to hear, The American Legion, our 12,000 posts across the globe, and our entire American Legion Family, proudly stands firm in our continued support of our allies.”

Other VSOs at the press conference included With Honor Action, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Operation Recovery and No One Left Behind.

American Legion Family members are encouraged to contact their senators and call for Afghan adjustment legislation in the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 and for passage of the supplemental legislation. Contact your senators through our Grassroots Action Center.

  • Legislative