October 22, 2010

Fall meetings produce new resolutions

By The American Legion
Library & Museum
Fall meetings produce new resolutions
Photo by James V. Carroll

NEC passes 30 resolutions covering a broad swath of The American Legion's mission.

During Fall Meetings at National Headquarters in Indianapolis Oct. 13-14, the National Executive Committee met to discuss matters important to The American Legion. The NEC passed a total of 30 resolutions, which spanned Legion programs and positions both internally and externally.

Resolution No. 6, from the VA&R Commission, directs the Legion to conduct a survey of women veterans' specific needs and issues, in hopes of improving the Legion's outreach to them.

Resolution No. 13, also from the VA&R Commission, directs the Legion to form an ad-hoc committee to examine both current practices and possible alternatives in the treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress (PTS).

Resolution No. 14, from the Internal Affairs Commission, establishes that there must be affirmative consent, in the form of a completed member-data form - stating oral permission - on file at National Headquarters, in order for a member to be transferred from one post to another.

Resolution No. 18, from the Economic Commission, gives the Legion's support to seeking legislation re-authorizing and funding VA's Small Business Loan Program, and opening it to post-Vietnam-era veterans.

Other key resolutions, by commission:

Americanism Resolution No. 28: establishing the Legion Baseball Region 1 Tournament site in Old Orchard Beach, Maine for 2011-2012.

EconomicResolution No. 19: Support The Rollover Of IRA Accounts Without Penalty Or Tax Liability Of A Permanent And Total 100 Percent Service-Disabled Veteran With Individual Unemployability.

Resolution No. 20: Support A Veteran-Centric Website For Employment (a one-stop site for veterans nationwide, under the wing of Veteran Employment and Training Service (VETS), that the Legion would help design and implement).

Internal AffairsResolution No. 15: Redesignate The Liberty Memorial In Kansas City, Missouri And The District Of Columbia WWI Memorial As National WWI Memorials (there is no official, national World War I memorial).

Veterans Affairs & RehabilitationResolution No. 12: Support Legislation To Increase The Income Threshold Of A Veteran Married To Another Veteran To Two Times The Financial Means Test For Enrollment Into The VA Health Care System.

The full text of all the resolutions passed at the Fall Meetings can be accessed here.    

  • Library & Museum