June 06, 2012

D-Day remembered

Library & Museum
D-Day remembered
www.defenseimagery.mil photo

68 years ago today, the Allies launched the attack that turned the tide in the war in Europe.

On June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. More than 9,000 Allied troops were either killed or wounded during the offensive, but the eventual victory signaled the beginning of the end for Hitler and the German Army.

Follow the links below to read more about D-Day, as well as first-hand accounts of the invasion.

The U.S. Army’s official D-Day website

D-Day anniversary stirs up powerful memories for vet

On 68th anniversary of D-Day, 102-year-old Army veteran recalls watching Allied planes

D-Day memories: Northeast Ohio veterans recall struggle to survive

Chicago-area D-Day vets reflect on 68th anniversary of historic invasion

‘Band of Brothers’ honored on D-Day anniversary

D-Day 68 years later; Newnan’s Cook back in Normandy

D-Day brothers in arms reunited as Togus roommates

American Legion National Commander Fang Wong is in Normandy this week for activities surrounding the D-Day anniversary. Click on the links to read about his trip.

Veterans honored at historic D-Day church

Commander connects with Boys State alum in Normandy

Legion recognized in Normandy

Commander pays homage in France

  • Library & Museum