NEC first to hear winners in post, department history competitions.
During his report to the National Executive Committee in Indianapolis on Thursday morning, National Historian Paul Bennett announced the winners of the National Post History Contest and the National Department History Contest. Entries chronicling the past year in the life of a post or department had been judged throughout the week by members of the National and Department Historians of The American Legion (NADHAL) organization. The winners are:
Department Narrative:
First Award, Department of North Carolina
Second Award, Department of New Jersey
Department Yearbook:
First Award, Department of Nebraska
Second Award, Department of New Jersey
Third Award, Department of New Mexico
Post Narrative:
First Award, Pony Express Post 359, Saint Joseph, Mo.
Second Award, Carroll Post 143, Carrollton, Ga.
Third Award, Madelyn LaCanne Post 539, Green Bay, Wis.
Post Yearbook :
First Award, Julius L. Shryer Post 430, Durant, IA
Tie for Second Award, Carroll Post 143, Carrollton, Ga., and Berkeley Post 14, Martinsburg, W.Va.
Third Award, Criswell-Robinson Post 71, Cabot, Ark.
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