August 23, 2013

I Am The American Legion- Oscar Urrea

By Eldon Lindsay

“There is help within this organization, and there is strength in numbers. Let’s look at the future, and we will make a difference for the next generation of veterans.”

“There is help within this organization, and there is strength in numbers. Let’s look at the future, and we will make a difference for the next generation of veterans.”

Branch of Service: U.S. Army

Years: 1969-1971

MOS: Communications (RTO)

Rank at discharge: Sergeant

- Bronze Star
- Army Commendation Medal
- Purple Heart
- Good Conduct Medal
- Vietnam Service Medal
- Vietnam Campaign Medal
- National Defense Medal

American Legion Post:
Ira H. Hayes Post 84, Sacaton, Ariz.

Number of Years in the Legion: 27

-  Judge advocate, Post 84 (2005-present)
- Honor guard, Post 84 (1999-present)
- Adjutant, Post 84 (1995)
- Commander, Post 2, Tempe, Ariz. (1994)
- Senior vice commander, Post 2 (1992)
- Coordinator, Iwo Jima flag-raising anniversary event (1992-present)
- Veterans service officer (20 years)

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