June 22, 2015

I Am The American Legion - Mike Kirchoff

By Steve Brooks

“You kind of have that void. You need something. The American Legion filled that void.”

Mike Kirchoff has been active in several fraternal and veterans organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars, AMVETS, Moose. But “there’s something special about The American Legion that makes you want to get involved,” he says.

He believes in the Legion so much, in fact, that he helped start Post 392 in Panama City, Fla., which is succeeding at attracting young veterans and active-duty personnel. One of the big draws is the American Legion Riders – a group about which Kirchoff is passionate. He’s been a member of the Riders’ national advisory committee since 2013 and has participated in every Legacy Run as a road captain. 

“The American Legion Riders bring youth and energy into The American Legion,” he says. “This is where you get your young kids. We’re all veterans. But having motorcycles and Legion Riders and that comradeship with them is a whole unique thread.“

Branch of Service
Air Force (1965-1968), Air Force Reserve (1968-1987)

MOS Crew chief

Rank Chief master sergeant

American Legion Post
Paul W. Airey Post 392, Panama City, Fla. 

Years in the Legion 14

Legion offices

  • Post commander (2006-2007, 2009-2011)
  • Post adjutant (2014-present)
  • Magazine