“It’s like the American Legion motto, ‘Veterans helping veterans.’ That’s what we live for. That’s my goal.”
Ronald L. Michalski’s volunteer work ranges from youth activities such as American Legion Baseball and Boys State to helping veterans through the VA Volunteer Service program in Nevada.
His real passion, though, is running the canteen at the Nevada State Veterans Home. Every Wednesday, Michalski takes his turn opening the canteen so veterans like Ted – who buys two bottles of pineapple juice each morning – can pick up their drinks and snacks, and enjoy a little bit of conversation.
“I met some good friends here and lost some good friends,” says Michalski, who started the canteen 10 years ago. “It’s very difficult when you get to know people and talk for hours about their lives, about their problems. You get to know them so well that when they go west, you really miss them.”
Michalski, who has logged thousands of volunteer hours, donates his time somewhere five days of the week. When not dishing out snacks at the canteen, he may be chaperoning a veteran on an outing such as a boat cruise or helping Legion Auxiliary members prepare and serve breakfast.
“To help another veteran, it makes me feel good,” he says. “It means so much to them to have someone care for them. It makes them feel that they are wanted here, they have a life here and they are not forgotten. To me, that’s the big thing: They are not forgotten.”
Branch of ServiceArmy (1960-1962)
MOS Aircraft mechanic
Rank Sergeant
American Legion Post BMI Post 40, Henderson, Nev.
Years in the Legion 15
Veterans Activities
- National Executive Committeeman (2014-present)
- Department Baseball chairman (2005-present)
- Department Finance Committee (2003-2005, 2013-present)
- Department Boys State vice chairman (2014-present)
- Post commander (2003-2004, 2009-2010)
- VAVS representative (2012-present)
- Magazine