November 28, 2016

I Am The American Legion: Ken Lee

By Lucas Carter
I Am The American Legion: Ken Lee
I Am The American Legion: Ken Lee

“We’ve got programs for everybody.”

When Ken Lee first stepped into his American Legion post in Oroville, Wash., he and his family were struggling. 

“I had some upper and lower back issues and had a couple of operations to alleviate some of the discomfort, which never happened,” he says.  “We had a lot of medical issues at that point (and were) living in a 17-and-a-half-foot trailer. We went from park to park because we didn’t have the finances.”

Aware of Lee’s difficulties, the post service officer recommended that the Army veteran fill out an application for a Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) grant.

“I had no idea what that meant,” he says. “He mentioned I should fill out paperwork for it. A few weeks later, I was notified that I had a check waiting at the post. I came down and talked to the service officer again and found out I had been granted some assistance. I was totally in awe. We talked in length about The American Legion and its programs, and it thrilled me to know that I could be a part of this. I joined on the spot.” 

Today, Lee serves as the Department of Washington’s alternate National Executive Committeeman. He’s also a volunteer for Evergreen Boys State, frequently mentoring youth and visiting schools to recruit for it. He estimates he drives 35,000 miles a year promoting Legion activities and membership.

“There are so many different programs,” Lee says of the Legion. “It’s hard to imagine how many lives are being touched. Not just military lives, but the family unit as a whole.”


Looking back on how a local post helped him, Lee can’t help but be enthusiastic about all the Legion does for communities – particularly youth. He says every member can make a difference for someone, somewhere, and inspire others to do the same: “One spark can start a fire.”

Branch of Service:Army (1977-1985)

Military job: Infantryman

Rank: Sergeant

American Legion post: Hodges American Legion Post 84, Oroville, Wash.

Years in the Legion 18

Legion activities 

  • Alternate National Executive Committeeman (2015-present)
  • National Security Council (2014-present)
  • National American Legion College Alumni Association president (2013-2014)
  • Department historian (2012-2015)
  • National Homeland Security & Civil Preparedness Committee (2010-2013)
  • Department commander (2010-2011)
  • Department membership chairman (2009-2010)
  • Department Blood Donor chairman (2007-2010, 2011-present)
  • National Americanism Council (2007-2010)
  • Department senior vice commander (2006-2009)
  • District commander (2005-2007)
  • Post commander (2005)
  • Post service officer (1999-2010)
  • Magazine