“The Legion, Rotary and other organizations let you use your talent to help make lives better.”
John Germ, the current president of Rotary International, has been a member of The American Legion for 25 years. What he appreciates about both organizations is their deep commitment to serving local communities.
“The Legion gives you the opportunity to pay back the community,” Germ says. “It gives you the opportunity to build a stronger community and the satisfaction of knowing you helped somebody else. You’re not out there saying, ‘I did this.’ You’re out there saying, ‘I want my community to be a stronger, better community, and I can do it working with the Legion in various programs to make it happen.’”
Rotary’s major initiative is to eradicate polio, of which there were only 74 cases worldwide last year. Like the Legion, Rotary relies on its network of chapters in local communities. Germ credits his time in the Air Force with developing in him the leadership skills necessary to lead a major nonprofit civic organization.
Germ wants to motivate patriotic Americans who are interested in serving and help them figure out how to do that. “How do we channel that energy into how we make our communities stronger?” he asks. “You’ve got to do it one day at a time and one life at a time. If you change just one person, you’ve made progress.”
- Branch of serviceAir Force (1961-1965)
- Military job Navigation
- Rank Captain
- American Legion postSummers-Whitehead Post 14, Chattanooga, Tenn.
- Years in the Legion 25
- Magazine