“(We want) veterans to understand that we’re open, we’re here for them, and if they need somewhere to come, this is almost like a safe house.”
Kevin Boyd believes an American Legion post’s success depends on building a strong relationship with local government. His work as commander of Post 38 in Fort Myers, Fla., is a testament to that belief.
“If you don’t get involved with your city and the different municipalities, you don’t know what’s available to you,” he says. “Right now we’re looking at a revitalization grant where the city will match what you have in your account to help revitalize your building. (Three years ago) we were able to put on the first Veterans Day parade (in Fort Myers) in 43 years. There was a lot accomplished by being a part of downtown and being in the community and getting involved.”
Boyd, Post 38’s commander for eight years, has also served three years as president of the Fort Myers River District Alliance, which promotes the continued development of the historic Fort Myers River District as a hub of economic, social and cultural activity. After Boyd established the John Ebling Veteran Art Gallery inside Post 38 in 2015, it became a stop on Fort Myers’ monthly Art Walk.
Boyd also assisted the post in teaming up with the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Red Cross and other local agencies to provide furniture and other housing assistance for 55 homeless veterans in 100 days. Much of the post’s achievements have been possible because of its strong relationships with other civic groups and local government entities.
“If you need someone to talk to or find what’s out there available for you, we may not have the answer, but we’ll point you in the right direction to let you know where to go to get assistance,” Boyd says.
Branch of service Navy (1976-1979), Navy Reserve (1979-2005)
Military Job Yeoman (administration)
Rank Petty officer second class
American Legion Post Post 38, Fort Myers, Fla.
Years in The Legion 11
Legion Activities
- Post commander (2009-2016)
- Post finance officer (2009)
- Magazine