June 20, 2019

I Am The American Legion: Julie Muhle

By Henry Howard

“Success would be ... growing membership, educating our members and developing future leaders.”

When her father encouraged her to join American Legion Post 15 in Juneau, Wis., Julie Muhle knew little about the organization and its legacy of service. The more she learns, though, the more passionate she becomes about all things Legion. 

In addition to serving as Post 15’s adjutant, Muhle is chancellor of the Wisconsin American Legion College program. Training a new generation of leaders is her way of communicating the Legion’s rich past while helping build for tomorrow.

“The inspiration to go out and recruit comes from the education we’re working on,” she says. “Offering Legion College courses – helping students learn what the Legion is about – is how we inspire people to want to go and talk more about that.”

Watching her students grow in their enthusiasm for the Legion adds to Muhle’s energy. “When I see everyone scribbling notes, I think, ‘Hey, I’ve just taught them something new.’ This is what the learning is all about.”

Muhle and other Legion College instructors travel around the state to lead beginner, intermediate and advanced classes. Students give up a Sunday to attend. “That’s dedication,” she says. “They take the information back to their posts and implement it. They learn a lot, as I have.”

Branch of Service  Army (1984-1985)

Rank  Private first class

Military job  Cryptoanalyst

American Legion post  Post 15, Juneau, Wis.

Years in The Legion  11

Legion activities

Department membership chairman (2018-present)

County adjutant (2018-present)

District first vice commander (2017-present)

Wisconsin American Legion College graduate (2017)

Wisconsin American Legion College chancellor (2016-present)

County commander (2015-2017)

National American Legion College graduate (2014)

Post commander (2012-2015)

Post adjutant (2011-present)

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