December 17, 2020

January American Legion Magazine reflects on Gulf War lessons

By The American Legion
January American Legion Magazine reflects on Gulf War lessons
January American Legion Magazine reflects on Gulf War lessons

Digital edition in also remembers the legacy of PNC Clarence Bacon.

The January 2021 American Legion Magazine digital edition reflects on lessons from the Gulf War, explores the long-awaited DoD/VA electronic medical record program and lays out priorities for the 117th Congress. The clickable digi-mag is available through

• In "Shield & Storm," Army War College professor and retired Col. Richard Lacquement Jr. explains why the Gulf War was a rebirth for the U.S. military and a pivotal moment in the evolution of the character of warfare. Plus, an update on the National Desert Storm War Memorial.

• Twenty years and $20 billion later, VA medical centers are finally rolling out an electronic health record system compatible with DoD. “I’m hoping and praying this makes everybody's lives easier, especially veterans,” says Easter Iuli, a veterans service officer for the American Legion Department of Washington.

• National Commander James W. "Bill" Oxford outlines The American Legion's priorities for the 117th Congress, including a Buddy Check Week, legislation mandating a "Buy American" policy for federal agencies, a fully funded VA and a constitutional amendment to prohibit flag desecration.

• Post officers and members can learn more about The American Legion's services through Training Tuesdays. Watch a video here.

• In Big Issues, Democratic Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., debate statehood for Washington, D.C.

• Clarence Bacon, last of The American Legion's national commanders to serve in World War II, was a trusted mentor and champion of blue-cap Legionnaires. Warch a video here.

Members can click here to access the digital magazine.

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