February 18, 2020

I Am The American Legion: Marri Krupco

By Henry Howard

“I am active in the Legion because it’s a way for me to continue to serve veterans, my community, my country.”

Marri Krupco saw her family’s grocery store in Blue Mound, Kan., close. Then the local school. She vowed to not let the same happen to Mooney-Long American Legion Post 279.

About seven years ago, declining membership threatened the post’s charter. As adjutant, Krupco led a revitalization that nearly tripled membership in two months. 

In June, Post 279 will turn 100, which she sees as a perfect occasion to celebrate Blue Mound’s “small-town patriotism and how important veterans are to the community – and how important it is for those veterans to join and keep the post alive.”

Krupco’s determination to recruit new members and retain others continued as district commander, when she led the 2nd District to maintain the highest percent of quota every week of the membership year.

“I set out to do 20 years of (military) service, but it did not work out that way. This is one way I can continue to serve active-duty families. Helping not just my post but posts across the state is very rewarding to me.”

She’s proud of her hometown of Blue Mound, and just as proud of her post. 

“We are not set in our ways. We’re making a new path. We’re willing to accept new ideas and do something new for our community.”

Branch of service Navy (1998-2002)

Rank Electrician’s mate second class

Military job Nuclear propulsion plant operator/electrical

American Legion post Mooney-Long Post 279, Blue Mound, Kan.

Years in the Legion 20

American Legion activities

National Security Council member (2019-present)

Department vice commander (2019-present)

Department membership chairman (2019-present)

District commander (2018-2019)

Post adjutant (2009-present)

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