October 26, 2021

Youth basketball, the Unknown Soldier's stormy voyage home and more in November

By The American Legion
Youth basketball, the Unknown Soldier’s stormy voyage home and more in November
Youth basketball, the Unknown Soldier’s stormy voyage home and more in November

The clickable digi-mag is available through MyLegion.org.

Don’t miss the November 2021 American Legion Magazine digital edition, which has articles on a Philadelphia post’s youth basketball league, the perilous Atlantic crossing of the World War I Unknown Soldier, coverage of the 102nd American Legion National Convention and more. The clickable digi-mag is available through MyLegion.org.

• In South Philadelphia, Henry Hill American Legion Post 385’s Basketball Youth League keeps kids off the street and on a positive path. Watch a video about BYL.

• In “The Unknown Soldier’s Stormy Voyage Home,” J.R. Neubeiser recounts the Olympia’s transport of the World War I Unknown Soldier’s remains from France to the United States in 1921. “The agonizing thought came to me: what if the Unknown Soldier – the hero America waits to honor – is washed overboard?” Marine Corps Capt. Graves B. Erskine later recalled. “I knew if such a thing happened, I might as well jump over with him.”

• National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford ends his historic two-year term by thanking Afghanistan veterans and the American Legion Family. Watch speeches, award presentations and more from the Legion’s 102nd National Convention in Phoenix.

• NSC-68 – the 1950 report that shaped America’s response to the Soviet challenge – can be our roadmap to navigate Cold War II, Alan W. Dowd writes.

• The American Legion calls for substantial federal investment in broadband, on behalf of nearly 2.4 million veterans who need it to access health care, education and employment.

• Legendary Vietnam War correspondent Joe Galloway spent his life honoring soldiers’ service and sacrifice, and they considered him one of their own. 

• Travel writer Lyn Mettler shares tips on making the most out of a trip to a national park, from visiting during the winter months to using less-busy entrances.

• In Big Issues, Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Rep. Mike Levin, D-Calif., debate student loan forgiveness.

• American Legion Past National Commander Dominic DiFrancesco, who died Sept. 6 at 88, called for a robust VA budget and full accounting for America’s POWs and missing. Watch DiFrancesco’s “PNC Perspectives video.

Members can click here to access the digital magazine.

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