The Legion's Twitter following has grown to nearly 27,000. Help us hit 30,000.
In the past 19 months, The American Legion’s Twitter following has grown by nearly 17,000, to just under 27,000 – tops among all major veterans service organizations. Help us hit 30,000 in the new few weeks. Click here to follow us.
Following the Legion on Twitter means you get breaking news about all things Legion, including statements from the national commander, links to stories appearing on www.legion.org and calls to action on the legislative front.
Our Twitter feed regularly is updated with links to other media sources, including Military Times, Stars & Stripes and Military.com. The Legion also is followed on Twitter by all three of those media organizations and various TV media personalities, as well as by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and U.S. National Guard; the departments of Veterans Affairs, Labor and Defense; various members of Congress; and other veterans service organizations.
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