January 28, 2016

2016 Legion live streaming schedule

By The American Legion
2016 Legion live streaming schedule
2016 Legion live streaming schedule

Yearly Legion events will once again stream live on Legiontv.org for free.

The American Legion will stream several major 2016 events live, free of charge, on www.legiontv.org. All events are listed under Eastern time, and are tentative and/or subject to change. After the live stream, the events will be available for playback under the "On Demand" tab.

Visit legiontv.org to watch the following events:

Feb. 23, 8 a.m.: Washington Conference - Commander's Call

April 17, 10 a.m.: National Oratorical Contest Finals

Aug. 26, 5 p.m.: National Convention - Color Guard Contest

Aug. 27, 1 p.m.: National Convention - Band Contest

Aug. 28, 11 a.m.: National Convention - Patriotic Memorial Service

Aug. 30, 8 a.m.: National Convention - General Sessions, Day One

Aug. 31, 8 a.m.: National Convention - General Sessions, Day Two

Sept. 1, 8:30 a.m.: National Convention - General Sessions, Day Three

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