June 28, 2013

Revitalization efforts see results

Revitalization efforts see results
Revitalization efforts see results

More than 300 transfers, renews and new members picked up during efforts in New Jersey, Connecticut.

Two recent American Legion district/county revitalization efforts resulted in more than 300 new, reinstated and transferred members into the organization.

Bergen County, N.J. National staff teamed up with local Legionnaires and Department of New Jersey leadership for revitalization efforts, May 17-19. The goal of the effort was to target headquarters post and DMS members, and former members. A press release and more than 2,000 letters were mailed out prior to the effort, which took place at Post 170 in Rochelle Park, N.J. The post served as the site for an open house, and a service officer was available at the post all three days.

Due to the help from several Legion family volunteers, the effort resulted in more than 200 transferred, renewed, reinstated and new members; 72.9 percent of those contacted transferred their memberships to a local post. At least 10 individuals came to the post during the effort, including five seeking assistance from a service officer.

Bergen County Commander Robert Salvini set up a follow-up meeting at Post 170 in Rochelle Park for July 6 and will ensure department leadership will be in attendance to address the attendees.

Coverage of the effort was provided by local media.  

Litchfield County, Conn. National staff worked with district and department leadership during the district revitalization effort, June 10-12, at Post 22 in Thomaston, Conn. The goal was to target headquarters post and DMS members, and former members.

Prior to the effort, more than 700 letters were sent out to all of the targeted members, announcing the effort and the accompanying open house/availability of a service officer during the three days. Press releases were sent out and ran in at least six different publications.

One team went door to door during the effort, while other volunteers made phone calls. Thanks to both efforts, 109 transferred members and two new members were obtained. Eighteen individuals came to Post 22 during the visit – 16 to see a service officer.

A follow-up meeting is scheduled for Aug. 17 at Post 22. Department Senior Vice Commander Bob Murray and Sixth District Commander Laura Boulerice will ensure department leadership will be in attendance to address the attendees.

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