March 26, 2013

Gold, Silver Brigade program enhanced

By The American Legion
Gold, Silver Brigade program enhanced
Gold, Silver Brigade program enhanced

Koutz Scouts offers monetary incentive for 2012 top-level Legion recruiters.

An enhanced Gold and Silver Brigade program has been developed to help sustain membership growth each year, as well as offer a different type of award for Gold and Silver Brigade program recipients.

Renamed “Koutz Scouts” for the 2013 Membership Year, the program will honor 2012 Gold and Silver Brigade Award recipients who bring an increased number of members in 2013. For every additional member a 2012 Gold or Silver Brigade recipient obtains in 2013 over their 2012 total, they will receive a monetary award. Gold Brigaders will receive $3 per member they obtain over last year’s total; Silver Brigaders will receive $2 per member they obtain over last year’s total.

National Headquarters will continue to accept submissions for the traditional Gold and Silver Brigade award program, but hopes that those trying for either award will push themselves extra hard to get new members into The American Legion with this cash incentive. National Headquarters will also offer certificates, coins and lapel/cap pins to those who exceed their last year’s goals.  

The program will be continued through 2019, so any Legionnaires who want to participate in next year’s enhanced Gold and Silver Brigade can participate in 2014 for the new members they signed up during the 2013 membership year.  

For more information, contact the Membership Division at (317) 630-1327 or

  • Membership