August 07, 2015

Commander: Membership growth makes Legion's voice louder

By The American Legion
Commander: Membership growth makes Legion’s voice louder
American Legion National Commander Michael Helm addresses Legionnaires attending the 2015 National Membership Workshop in Indianapolis, Aug. 7. (Photo by Clay Lomneth)

National Membership Workshop attendees focus on membership growth and promoting the Legion's programs and advocacy efforts.

The American Legion’s 52nd annual National Membership Workshop got underway this morning with 10 departments being recognized for surpassing their 2014-2015 membership goals – Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Oregon.

“Our goal is to see (membership) growth in the organization, a culture of growth in each department, district and post,” said Ken Orrock, National Membership & Post Activities Committee chairman.

American Legion National Commander Michael Helm echoed Orrock’s sentiments, emphasizing “we have to grow to make our voice louder so our veterans are taken care of.”

Helm encouraged Legion attendees to partner with other posts or businesses within their community that are hosting events for veterans focused on employment, education and military benefits. “I’ve seen some great things happening in The American legion during my travels, and it’s going to have to continue to happen for us to grow. Posts that are doing things in their community for veterans are seeing growth.”

During the workshop, attendees were reminded that veterans service organizations now have access to military installations, allowing departments, districts and posts to promote Legion programs and services to servicemembers and their families at military installments. Per Department of Defense rules, direct recruitment is not allowed on military bases, but providing on-base outreach can have a spillover effect in membership. A servicemember may be more apt to join the Legion when he or she learns about, and receives assistance from, a Legion service or program.

This week, the Legion released a new publication, “Access Granted: Assisting Troops with Transition Benefits,” that provides insight on how to gain access to military installations, the kinds of benefits Legion service officers can provide, troop and military family awareness of American Legion support programs, and the Legion’s advocacy efforts for veterans. Download the publication here.

“We can grow our organization by bringing both our dedication to veterans and community together,” Helm said. “We can grow membership. We won’t give up.”

Held each year at the Sheraton Indianapolis City Centre Hotel, the National Membership Workshop brings representatives from each American Legion department to share best practices for cultivating a strong and active membership among Legion departments. The event also honors departments that have shown a commitment to growing their membership throughout the year.Representatives will convene throughout the rest of the day and tomorrow to participate in informational sessions about the Legion's various programs, and learn about upcoming Legion initiatives and organizational goals.

  • Membership