July 05, 2016

Brochure highlights Legion's positions on key issues

Brochure highlights Legion’s positions on key issues
Brochure highlights Legion’s positions on key issues

"Our Pillars, Your Platform" discusses veterans health care, veteran jobs and education, flag protection, illegal immigration and more.

As the 2016 presidential and congressional elections draw near, The American Legion has updated its “Our Pillars, Your Platform” brochure to highlight its positions on key election issues affecting veterans, servicemembers and voters nationwide.

A few of the Legion’s stances on some of the most critical issues today include quality health care for veterans, veterans education and careers, illegal immigration, flag protection, a strong national defense, women-veteran specific care, veterans benefits, and health-care needs for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain injury.

Overall, “Our Pillars, Your Platform” speaks to what The American Legion was founded on nearly 100 years ago – its Four Pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.

Download the brochure here.

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