December 10, 2018

New monthly report shows Legion's impact

By The American Legion
New monthly report shows Legion’s impact
New monthly report shows Legion’s impact

Benefits assistance, grants, revitalizations and youth programs high points of first report.

A new monthly report from American Legion National Headquarters presents key impact numbers, voices, activities and history of the nation’s largest veterans organization. The report, which includes statistics that can be used in membership recruitment or to otherwise explain the organization’s role in the nation, reflects on November 2018 accomplishments and looks ahead to coming attractions, such as The American Legion’s Centennial Float in the Jan. 1, 2019, Tournament of Roses Parade.

In November 2018 alone, for instance, $23,776.78 in American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance funds were distributed to families in need. Meanwhile, American Legion appeals representatives in Washington won 296 cases for veterans who disputed their VA benefits claims decisions. Also in November, the Marion, Ill., VA Medical Center received a visit from the Legion’s System Worth Saving Task Force, the Legion testified to demand changes for veterans whose post-traumatic stress disorder claims were wrongly denied, and National Commander Brett P. Reistad remembered the U.S. president who led Operation Desert Storm and signed the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Click here to see the report.

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