American Legion staff will present on Buddy Checks and MyLegion.org through Microsoft Teams.
With its new "Training Tuesdays" initiative, American Legion National Headquarters staff will be presenting 60 to 90-minute training sessions on American Legion programs, membership and other resources.
The first one will be held Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m. Eastern.
The topics to be discussed include:
Changes and updates to online membership processing. Presenter Libby Vickers with the IT Division will provide an overview on the new MyLegion.org platform with an emphasis on the first login authentication requirements, what the home page looks like, and how to view, edit and process renewals, adding new members and transferring existing members.
Buddy Checks. Presenter Ron Neff with the Internal Affairs & Membership Division will share about the who, what, when, where and why of the Buddy Checks and the importance and strategic objectives of taking care of our fellow veterans.
Access the training session through this Microsoft Teams link.
- Membership