Pre-register at national convention for the Aug. 30 training.
A comprehensive training session on the new MyLegion.org platform will be presented twice on Monday, Aug. 30, from 9-11 a.m. and from 2-4 p.m. in Phoenix during the 102nd national convention. The training will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center, West Building, Lecture Hall, 200 Level. Pre-registration is required for in-person attendance.
Pre-register at the Digital and Online Communications (Media & Communications) Booth No. 901 located in the Exhibit Hall. You also can register for the 9 a.m. session here and the 2 p.m. session here.
Topics of discussion for both sessions include how to:
• Register an account. All MyLegion accounts are registered with the email on your member record. Not sure if you have an email on file? Stop by the Information Technology booth in the Exhibit Hall prior to the training session.
• Manage your account. As a member of The American Legion and/or Sons of The American Legion, you can manage your membership account online. Become familiar with navigating your MyLegion account to view updated contact information and demographic information, manage subscriptions, view discounts, set up auto-renew, print your membership card, and other member-only tools.
• Access MyLegion leadership tools. You will learn how to navigate the administrative side of MyLegion to manage post and squadron membership information, view reports, access materials and process memberships, along with how to assign others permission to use administrative tools.
A virtual session of the MyLegion.org workshop will not be held. Access the PowerPoint presentations that will be used for the training session on mylegion.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Resources/Help under Training Presentations. These will be made available in the days leading up to the workshop.
- Membership