June 16, 2021

MyLegion.org: virtual workshop scheduled for convention 

By The American Legion
MyLegion.org: virtual workshop scheduled for convention 
American Legion National Headquarters staff Kevin Mook looks through the MyLegion.org website from his office in Indianapolis on May 26, 2021.

A detailed overview of how to use the new platform will take place Aug. 30 during national convention.

A virtual workshop on the new MyLegion.org platform will be held during the 102nd National Convention in Phoenix on Aug. 30. There will be a morning and afternoon session. The number of in-person attendees will be limited; however, anyone can participate virtually. More details to follow soon. 

An ongoing update to MyLegion.org known issues and their status is available here. A few that have been fixed are the ability to print labels for deceased and expired members; renew expired members; and conduct a global member search. 

For report updates, American Legion posts now have the ability to see a current membership roster report and find members in the area. Reports in development with a completion target date of June 30 are:

- CPR progress report

- 2022 SAL membership cards

- Post online transmittal report

- Department membership report

- Detachment membership report

- Online renewal report

- Monthly financial statements

- Transfer report

- State paper labels  

Don’t have a MyLegion.org account? Register today!

MyLegion.org accounts are to be registered with the email address on your individual membership record that National Headquarters has on file. Registering with an email not listed as your primary email will not provide access to membership details, leadership resources or permissions. Do not share your email. Only one email can be registered because all MyLegion.org accounts are individual member accounts.

​To register an account:

1. Go to MyLegion.org and click “Register” in the upper right-hand corner. 

2. Enter your email in the register window and click “Next.” Register with the email on your membership record.

3. The email you entered must be verified. Verify your email by entering the one time password (OTP) sent to your email and click “Finish Registration.”

4. Enter your last name, first name and check consents and click “Next.”

5. Create your password in the “Welcome” window.

6. Click “My Account” from your MyLegion.org home page to view your membership information.



  • Membership