Monday, March 15, is the Legion's birthday.
The American Legion will celebrate its 102nd birthday on Monday, March 15.
It will vary how American Legion posts, districts or departments celebrate the Legion's birthday with restrictions still in place because of COVID-19. An American Legion birthday speech is available to use during this time of celebration. Download The American Legion's 102nd birthday speech here.
This birthday speech is an opportunity for Legionnaires to share about the organization's history and mission, to both themselves and the community at large. The speech is not necessarily meant to be recited verbatim; members are encouraged to amend it to taste and audience.
Buddy Checks
Resolution No. 18, adopted by the National Executive Committee during Spring Meetings in May 2019, calls for Buddy Checks to be conducted Legion-wide on the weeks of The American Legion’s birthday, March 15, and Veterans Day. Buddy Checks serve as a way to reach out to members and veterans, especially during this pandemic where needs are great, to let them know that you care and how you may be of help. Learn more about Buddy Checks here.
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