MyLegion.org is a free site for Legionnaires and Sons members to use to manage their membership.
If you are a new or longtime member of The American Legion, member benefits are available to you on one platform – MyLegion.org.
MyLegion.org is a free and secure website for American Legion and Sons of The American Legion members, as well as administrative officers of American Legion posts, districts and counties. Users can view their MyLegion.org membership account on any device with web access to quickly access member benefits.
Use this PowerPoint for a step-by-step guide on how to register an account and use MyLegion that was presented Jan. 31 during Training Tuesday.
As a registered user of MyLegion, you can:
- Manage profile information such as your home address, phone number and email, and make updates.
- Print a current membership card that you can have your post adjutant sign.
- Renew membership or set up automatic renewal that is safe and secure.
- View member-only discounts from retail to travel.
- Manage American Legion subscriptions to e-newsletters and The American Legion Magazine.
- Find an American Legion accredited service officer to help with VA benefits.
What to know before creating a MyLegion account:
- Register using the email on your membership record. Registering with a different email will not include membership details or officer/committee activity. To update or verify the email on your membership record, contact your department headquarters.
- Do not register with a post, squadron, county or district account. All MyLegion accounts are individual member accounts. Access to post and squadron membership management and online membership processing, reports and rosters are provided to members that hold an adjutant or commander position.
- Do not share emails. Only one email can be registered.
How to register an account
1. Go to MyLegion.org and click on Register in the upper right-hand corner
3. Enter your email in the Register window and click Next. A Verify Account window opens. Leave this page open. Go to your email and retrieve the OTP (One Time Password).
4. Enter the OTP and click Verify.
5. Create your password in the welcome window (your password must include an uppercase, lowercase, number and symbol, and there’s an eight-character minimum)
6. Go to My Account to view your membership details.
- Membership