Parades and ceremonies back on, while some events still adapted for pandemic precautions.
The coronavirus pandemic changed the way American Legion posts commemorated Memorial Day in 2020. But those American Legion Family members adapted and ensured those servicemembers no longer with us were honored properly.
As vaccination efforts continue throughout the nation and safety precautions are being relaxed, Legion Family members again are at the forefront of community efforts to honor Memorial Day and what it means. Ceremonies and parades are back on, observing social distancing and other safety protocols where necessary.
Nationally, The American Legion will be represented at the Vietnam War Memorial for a ceremony on Memorial Day. Watch the ceremony here live at 10 a.m. ET. And the following are some of what American Legion Family members are doing, or already have done, for Memorial Day weekend. Remember, if your post, district or department has Memorial Day events scheduled, please share them with us at www.legiontown.org.
After decades of efforts, American Legion Post 68 will be dedicating a headstone to the community’s eight local residents killed in action in Vietnam. A ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park will take place on Memorial Day; Post 68 Legionnaire Damon Earl Warren said the post is expecting family from six of the KIAs to attend.
After multiple years of teamwork, a veterans memorial will be dedicated on Memorial Day at the Placer County Veterans Monument in Lincoln, Calif.
The Lincoln Veterans Memorial, located about an hour east of Sacramento, became a realization thanks to a coalition of veterans service organizations, including American Legion Post and Unit 264.
The dedication ceremony begins at 11 a.m. PDT on Monday. It can be viewed here.
American Legion Post 170 in Westcliffe was forced to cancel its 2020 Memorial Day observance for the first time in more than two decades, an event typically attended by around 300 people.
This year the post received permission to use the local rodeo arena as a venue for its observance. Post 170 Commander Ted Ballard said a flat-bed trailer will be used as the stage and the bleachers for those attending.
The entire event will take place outdoors and will include an honor guard and community choir, and veterans serving as speakers. Post 170 also is using the opportunity to team with the Vietnam War Commemoration Program to present Vietnam Veteran Era Pins to Vietnam veterans and a Vietnam War Family Sacrifice Pin and Certificate to the wife of a deceased Vietnam War Veteran during our ceremony.
“We feel that with most of our elderly and many other community members vaccinated against COVID-19 and having everything outside for our Memorial Day Observance, we will all be safe and healthy,” Ballard said.
· In Braintree, American Legion Post 86 already has been in the process of placing flags on all the veterans’ graves at Blue Hills Cemetery. On May 30 the post will host a coffee and doughnuts breakfast before heading to all of the town cemeteries to honor the veterans there, as well stopping at other American Legion posts for flag-lowering ceremonies. A town ceremony will take place at Blue Hills, where the flag will be lowered to half-staff.
· In Bristol, American Legion Post 2 will film its annual Memorial Day ceremony, along with a concert for military personnel and a ceremony honoring 15 servicemembers from Bristol killed during the Korean War. All three videos will be broadcast together on Nutmeg TV.
· In Newtown, American Legion Post 202 is inviting the public to a special “Taps along the Housatonic” Memorial Day observance planned for May 31. Musicians and post members will assemble at eight different locations along the Housatonic River in Sandy Hook beginning at 10:10 am. Taps will be played on one or two instruments at each location, with the ceremony lasting less than one minute.
In Indianola, American Legion Post 165 will conduct the Indianola Memorial Day Parade and Military Honors. The parade features floats, marching units, businesses and other groups.
· In Mt. Pleasant, members of American Legion Post 100 will join with VFW members to march to several different cemeteries throughout the area to honor fallen soldiers.
· In Rosebush, American Legion Varga Fall Post 38 will conduct Memorial Day services at seven area cemeteries
· In Elk River, American Legion Post 112 has arranged for two replica war memorial tribute trucks to come to the post – the Tomb of the Unknown and the Vietnam War Wall memorial. The trucks will be parked at Post 112 for public viewing from May 28 through June 1 during business hours. The post’s honor guard also will perform 10 salute ceremonies at area cemeteries and host an afternoon event at the post that will include grilled brats and hot dogs, and an Americanism table for youth.
“This is a great opportunity to talk with your kids about the meaning of Memorial Day and the sacrifices it represents,” Post 112 Adjutant Greg Artman told the Star News. “There will be educational materials for kids to help explain it all.”
· In Ely, American Legion Post 248 will have a Memorial Day ceremony at the local cemetery.
New Jersey
· In Middletown, American Legion Post 515 Commander Andy Butszko and Post Chaplain Lisa Jeleniewski will join with VFW members to conduct a red, white and blue candle-lighting ceremony. Jeleniewski will read the reason for each of the candles.
· In East Hanover, American Legion Post 421 led a volunteer effort the weekend before Memorial Day to place flags on the graves of veterans buried at Restland Memorial Park. Nearly 5,000 veterans – some from the Spanish-American War – are buried at the cemetery, including some unmarked graves. "They didn't give their lives, their lives were taken. None of us that I know of ever went into any battle expecting that we were going to give our lives,” Post 421 Legionnaire Herman Marmon told News 12. “It's important to at least honor that sacrifice they did make.”
New York
In Mt. Kisco, members of Moses Taylor Jr. Post 136 will march to the Mt. Kisco Veterans Memorial, where speeches will be delivered. Wreaths will be laid in front of the memorial by Legion members and the Polly Cooper Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The ceremony will be recorded and played on the Mt. Kisco website.
North Dakota
In Minot, Post 26’s American Legion Family is placing flags on local veterans’ graves May 28, will present colors at the local race track on May 30, host a Memorial Day pancake breakfast, and then perform ceremonies at Memorial Bridge and at a local cemetery. The latter will include the post’s American Legion Riders staging a remembrance ride, a color guard, speeches, placing a wreath and a rifle salute.
· Montpelier Post 109 will host its annual Memorial Day ceremony that will include a parade with a joint American Legion and VFW color guard, dignitaries, a high school band, bicycles decorated by local children, and Boy and Cub Scout troops. The parade will stop atop the Saint Joseph River bridge for the placement of flowers in the river in remembrance of all those buried at sea. The parade then proceeds to the Grand Army of the Republic monument in Riverside Cemetery for a reading of the Gettysburg Address, a wreath laying, a speech by a guest speaker, a rifle salute and taps. A bicycle-judging contest follows the ceremony, with participants receiving a prize. A picnic lunch is hosted at Post 109 for all participants.
· In East Canton, Lowell D. Oberly American Legion Post 667 will host a parade May 31. Later in the day, an honor guard from Post 667 and Louisville, Ohio, Post 548 will visit the three village cemeteries to pay tribute to deceased veterans.
· In Kingston, Kingston American Legion Black Diamond Post 395 Commander Richard Pries is one of the co-chairs of the 130th West Side Veterans Memorial Day Parade. The parade will feature Silver Star and Purple Heart recipient Cpl. John Richards as the grand marshal.
· In Dallas, Daddow-Isaacs Dallas American Legion Post 672 will conduct a Memorial Day parade at Dallas High School’s football stadium. Vietnam veteran Jack Cleary will be the main speaker. Prior to Memorial Day, the post will team up with local Boy Scouts to replace worn U.S. flags from the graves of area veterans buried in local cemeteries. On Memorial Day Post 672’s honor guard will also participate in a ceremony in the center of Dallas, a ceremony at a local cemetery and a ceremony at the post home, placing wreaths at all three locations.
In Newport News, American Legion Braxton-Perkins Post 25 will be taking part in activities throughout Memorial Day weekend. On May 29, post members will place U.S. flags at veterans’ gravesites at local cemeteries. On Memorial Day, the post will conduct a virtual Memorial Day ceremony using Facebook Live from the Victory Arch in downtown Newport News.
And on June 1, the post members will pick up the flags from the gravesites. Meanwhile, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 25 will be distributing poppies at Mission BBQ in Hampton throughout the weekend.
West Virginia
In Clarksburg, members of American Legion Post 13 team up with the Harrison County Honor Guard to decorate area veterans’ gravesites with U.S. flags. The groups also leave flags behind with the cemetery caretaker in case a gravesite is missed.
“It’s a day to remember your loved ones and servicemembers, American Legion Post 13 Commander Michael Greaver told The Exponent Telegram. “It’s the best way to say ‘God bless America.’”
In St Nazianz, American Legion Post 477 and American Legion Auxiliary Unit 477 will conduct military honors at 11 area cemeteries. Prior to Memorial Day, the same groups will place flags on the headstones of veterans at those cemeteries. During the Memorial Day ceremonies the names of those veterans will be read, while Post 477’s American Legion Family places a symbolic flower at the gravesite, fires a three-shot volley and plays taps.
- Memorial Day