It’s been a successful year, now you can help continue to move us forward.
The American Legion’s National Convention in Cincinnati is fast approaching and with it, the NALPA annual meeting. Have you noted this year the special meeting time set aside for Constitution and Bylaws? Last year’s annual meeting was consumed in discussion regarding our Constitution and Bylaws, leaving many attendees with concerns.
It is not appropriate to be changing this document every year. However, it is important that we have a Constitution that is clear and reflects the times we live in. That is why we are having a special meeting (9 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 28) on the Constitution and Bylaws before the annual meeting.
We have allotted this time to give you, the members, the opportunity to discuss and help next year’s administration prepare for possible changes in 2017. Those who are unable to attend convention, or this meeting, may review the Constitution and Bylaws online at www.legion.org/nalpa/about and send your comments to NALPA Executive Director Pat Rourk, prourk@twcny.rr.com.
I would also like members to think about whether they have a special interest in a committee or have a talent to share. Let our executive director know so that your interest can be shared with the new administration. Inform your area members if you have an interest in running for an elected position – even if you are not present, your name can be placed for nomination with your permission. Think in advance for 2017.
There are also opportunities for you to participate in the newly formatted newsletter. After all it is your publication, so help personalize it. The “Tips and Tricks” feature begs for your ideas. Have you had a successful media event? You are encouraged to share a guest article about your best practices to give others knowledge and encouragement. We also will have a conference call this year to plan out each issue. Anyone is welcome to join and offer ideas. As an example, in this issue we are excited to see the first contribution by an American Legion Auxiliary member (see page 7). We look forward to future collaboration with the Auxiliary.
We cannot underestimate the significance of getting department adjutants on board with NALPA. Make it a goal to ensure your state has membership. NALPA then must provide the return on investment by continuing to improve our game, becoming the media resource for every level from post to department. We are equal to the challenge. Continuing to advance membership is always vital and happily this year it has increased. Keep the momentum going.
The momentum has been notable this past year with the revitalization of NALPA. Consider all of the accomplishments: a new logo, new newsletter, LinkedIn page, participation at the Washington Conference, and more is in the works.
Our Facebook editor has been very busy keeping our presence active, fresh content is uploaded often on our website (www.legion.org/nalpa) and website revisions are planned for the future.
Special thanks to American Legion national staff members Henry Howard, Holly Soria and Jeff Stoffer for making this the year of new beginnings for NALPA. Without them, and others at the national office, it would not have happened.
See you in Cincinnati.