April 11, 2017

Protecting the brand in social media

By The American Legion
Protecting the brand in social media
Protecting the brand in social media

Avoid falling into political incivility when promoting or writing about the deeds of The American Legion.

If the 2016 election season showed us anything, it was the growing lack of civility among the electorate. There were strong opinions coming from all political parties, and there were strong personal attacks thrown at the candidates. And many of those attacks continue today even months after the election.

You may be wondering how this relates to NALPA members. In this age of hypersensitivity, we must avoid falling into this political incivility when promoting or writing about the deeds of The American Legion. As members of the press and as Legion Family members, we must pay attention to what and how we write. We also must determine if we, within the positions we represent, should say anything at all.

Social media can be tricky. As Legion Family members and those committed to promoting the brand of The American Legion in a good light, we must stay mindful of the things we say and share on social media channels designated to promoting the good of the Legion.

For example, if your personal opinions and feelings don’t align with the official stances of The American Legion, be mindful of what you post and where you post it. Always remember the four pillars and ask yourself if what you’re posting falls under one or all of them. 

And is the story you are sharing accurate and true? Do your due diligence and research if your information is coming from a reliable source. When in doubt don’t share it. 

On your American Legion social media accounts also remember we do not support specific political candidates or politicians during an election, however, we do support American Legion-backed issues. If a politician supports an issue then share it, but if the story is only about the politician, don’t share it.

Does it enhance the brand? When trying to decide if you should share a post or write a post on an American Legion social media account, you should ask yourself the following questions:
  • Will this post help a veteran? 
  • Does this post shine a good light on the Legion Family? 
  • Does this post promote The American Legion in a positive light? 
  • Is this information that Legion members should know, without a bias slant?
If you can answer yes to those questions share, post or tweet away. If not, maybe the post is more suited for your personal newsfeed instead.
In this world where social media is like having a million cameras pointed at you, we must stay aware of how we look in the world. Don’t tarnish the brand; post responsibly.