Jeff Frain had a plan when he launched his year as Sons of The American Legion national commander last September in Cincinnati.
Jeff Frain had a plan when he launched his year as Sons of The American Legion national commander last September in Cincinnati. Frain and his elected officers knew that if they were to have a successful year, it would have to be a fun and educational experience for everyone.
Frain and his officers first established the theme “Knowledge is Power Tour.” Then they created a resource book for use at all levels (i.e., detachment, squadron, county and district) to help members become well-informed about the Sons and the Legion Family. Copies of the resource book, which was a “how to” guide of the SAL – how to process membership, how to run a meeting and how to learn more – were delivered to detachments.
Squadron members were encouraged to take the online American Legion Extension Institute and complete the Five Star and Ten Ideals programs. Detachment commanders and adjutants were invited to come to National Headquarters in Indianapolis during Fall Meetings last October for an intense training session. While there they were asked to send their top members to the National Management Institute this spring.
SAL vice commanders were tasked with developing a fun membership theme. What could be more fun than being a super hero? Each vice commander selected an alter ego to promote the membership plan:
Captain America – William Kelly (Fla.) Southern Region
Flash – Joseph Keiser (Nev.) Western Region
Green Lantern – Michael Lawler (Wis.) Central Region
Iron Man – Kenneth Yanke (Colo.) Mid-Western Region
Mystique – Joseph Korba (N.J.) Eastern Region
Knowing that a strong, growing American Legion will benefit the Sons of The American Legion and Auxiliary, the team leapt into action. They have encouraged SAL members to recruit veterans to join The American Legion with a slogan of “Be A Super Hero, Sign Up Three American Heroes to The American Legion Today.”
The team coordinated with American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt to make any SAL member eligible for his membership recruiting pin. And anyone who signs up five SAL members can request the national commander’s pin as well.