The $25 entry fee for NALPA awards submissions is eliminated!
This year 2017 year is starting off with some fantastic news that I get to share in regards to our National American Legion Press Association (NALPA) awards program, as well as enhancements to the delivery of our quarterly NALPA newsletter. Also, it is important to mention what is being planned at the NALPA Winter Conference in Washington, D.C., at the end of February.
Beginning this year, the $25 entry fee for NALPA awards submissions is eliminated! This is thanks to advertising staff in the Marketing, Media & Communications Division at National Headquarters who secured a title sponsorship with the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority, the host city for the Legion’s 2017 National Convention, to cover NALPA entry fees and all award winners’ banquet tickets. Due to this sponsorship, it has allowed us to waive the entry fees in hope of increasing award submissions for all of the NALPA award categories. The contest rules and submission criteria are on page 4 of this newsletter. Best of luck to all of our future entrants!
Many of our members have asked about ways of improving our NALPA newsletter. This actually started a little over a year ago when we began working hand-in-hand with the MM&C staff. As you know, the newsletter was reformatted and our NALPA logo was redesigned. And now the NALPA newsletter will be accessible in a digital format. If you are interested in receiving your NALPA newsletter electronically, please send a courtesy email to NALPA Executive Director Patrick Rourk at prourk@twcny.rr.com.
NALPA will have a membership table at the Washington Conference, and we could use some volunteers to help support this. In addition to this, Mark Sutton, Area 3 vice president, is scheduled to speak at the conference during the “Know before you go” session. I hope those in attendance will set aside some time to hear what he has to say.
Finally, don’t forget about membership! Speak to your Legion Family members within your respective departments about becoming NALPA members. We made great strides in increasing our membership at National Convention last year in Cincinnati, and I was even able to get a few new members when I attended the 2016 National American Legion College a few months ago. NALPA is a great resource to help improve communications. Our social media platforms are great opportunities to promote all activities within your departments.
Reach out to your respective vice presidents and directors within your regions. See how you can get more involved with NALPA!