Spring Meetings, Memorial Day and National Poppy Day.
Children and Youth. April is Children and Youth Month, which is a great time to share with your community how you are mentoring youth. Work with local media to highlight activities such as Boys State, Junior Shooting Sports, Legion Baseball and other youth programs. On social media, use hashtag #ChildrenAndYouthMonth.
Spring Meetings. National Commander Denise H. Rohan will address the National Executive Committee during Spring Meetings. Follow along at www.legion.org for the live video. On social media, use hashtag #SpringMtgs2018.
Memorial Day. How is your post, unit or squadron participating in Memorial Day events in your community? Share on your social media platforms, such as Facebook or Instagram, and post a story on Legiontown.org. On social media, use hashtag #MemorialDay.
National Poppy Day. May 25 is National Poppy Day when a red poppy is worn to honor the fallen and to show support for all veterans. At www.legion.org/poppyday there are ways the Legion Family can expand awareness locally and regionally and shop for poppy items. On social media, hashtags #PoppyDay and #LegionFamily.